20 May 2015
Facebook user ေတြအတြက္ - Facebook Messenger v28. apk
Facebook user ေတြအတြက္ - Facebook Messenger v28. apk ေလးဗားရွင္းအသစ္ေလးထြက္လာလို႔ တင္ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္
Facebook Messenger apk for android . You can Download Facebook Messenger apk from revdl with direct link . by this app you can fast login on messenger of facebook on on your android mobile . This is best Communication App for facebook users . Free Download Facebook Messenger apk for android
ဖုန္းမွာ free ဖုန္းေျပာၿပီးခ်က္ ႏိုင္တဲ့ - LINE Free Calls & Messages Apk For Android 5.1.3
ဖုန္းမွာ free ဖုန္းေျပာၿပီးခ်က္ ႏိုင္တဲ့ - LINE Free Calls & Messages Apk For Android 5.1.3 ဗားရွင္းအသစ္ေလးပါ နာမည္ႀကီး social App ေလးပါ မသံုးဖူးသူေတြနဲ႔ ဗားရွင္းအသစ္ ကိုမွသံုးျခင္တဲ့ေဘာ္ဒါေတြအတြက္တင္ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္
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Line Free Calls & Messages Apk For Android Is a Communication app. This App ( Line Apk ) is a new communication . By this app you can talk and gap and FREE message and free voice calls and Video Calls with All people .You Can Download this App F With direct link .
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နာမည္ႀကီဂိမ္းေလး - Clash of Kings v1.0.91 Apk (update version)
နာမည္ႀကီဂိမ္းေလး - Clash
of Kings v1.0.91 Apk (update version) ေလးပါ
ဗားရွင္းအသစ္ေလးကိုေအာက္မွာေဒါင္းၿပီးသံုးႏိုင္ပါတယ္ (ပုသိမ္နည္းပညာ)
Clash of Kings is a Strategy Game far Android.Viewed:
Download last version Clash of Kings apk for android with direct link.
Clash of Kings is a new real time strategy game for where you battle to build an empire and control 7 fantasy kingdoms! If you like PVP games or multiplayers, you’ll love this base building, fighting army game where you must conquer kingdoms to survive! Download this fighting army game on your phone or tablet!
Overwhelming ★★★★★ Reviews
5/5 “My hearts goes to this game! Such an awesome real-time game…More power COK! Surprise us more! #bestgame2014#”
5/5 “Amazing ! Great game! It feels like real life. “
5/5 “Don’t knock it till you try it because it is the best game ever”
What reviewers are saying:
“Clash of Kings is a pretty decent war game.” -148Apps.com
“It’s a game that rewards a large investment of time and attention, rather than judicious strategy.” – App4Smart
” Top 10 Android Strategy Games ” – Androidguys.com
ဖုန္း battery ကိုၾကာရွည္ခံေစၿပီး အားအျမန္၀င္ေစတဲ့ - Avast Battery Saver
ဖုန္း battery ကိုၾကာရွည္ခံေစၿပီး အားအျမန္၀င္ေစတဲ့ - Avast Battery Saver ေလးပါ ဖုန္းအားမခံတဲ့ဖုန္း user ေတြ Avast Battery Saver ကိုအာက္မွာေဒါင္းၿပီးေဆာင္
ထားႏိုင္ပါတယ္ အဆင္ေျပပါေစ (ပုသိမ္နည္းပညာ)
Avast Battery Saver significantly improves battery life, saving up to 20% on one charge – and it’s free.
It optimizes phone settings like Internet connectivity, screen brightness, and timeout according to the your needs.
Avast Battery Saver features:
. Smart profiles activated automatically based on time, location, and battery level.
. App Consumption feature to detect and permanently stop power-draining apps.
. Precise estimates of remaining battery life based on actual phone usage and historical data.
Named app of the day by German magazine Chip (chip.de): “The app does what it promises, saves battery life!”
– The application can turn off Wi-Fi when there are no known hotspots nearby.
– When the screen is turned off, the phone will limit connections to the Internet to every 5, 10, 15 or 30 minutes, based on your current profile configuration.
– Emergency mode is activated when your battery level is very low, and it turns off all functions that require significant energy, saving power for when you really need it – Wi-Fi, data connection, Bluetooth or GPS.
Significantly extend your battery life with power management profiles.
. Smart profiles & power setting feature adjust your phone settings based on location and time. Avast Battery Saver learns about your daily routine and thus suggests the best smart profiles for your phone.
. Avast Battery Saver never affects voice calls, SMSes, or the ring volume of your phone.
. It shows battery level in percents and time left in status bar notification. So you know how much battery juice is left.
. You can identify, disable or stop battery draining apps, the ones which cause problems.
. You can easily adjust profiles and manage them within the app.
The app currently works with these profiles: Home, Work, Night and Super-Saving Emergency Mode.
You can easily switch from one mode to another and manage them within the apps. This improved battery manager will take care of your battery’s health the same way a doctor takes care of yours.
Size : 3.7M
Current Version : 1.1.1001
Requires Android : 4.0 and up
Offered By : AVAST Software
ဖိုင္ဆိုဒ္ႀကီးႀကီးေတြကို အဓိကထားေဒါင္းႏိုင္တဲ့ - tTorrent Pro – Torrent Client v1.5.1.1 Apk
ဖိုင္ဆိုဒ္ႀကီးႀကီးေတြကို အဓိကထားေဒါင္းႏိုင္တဲ့ - tTorrent Pro – Torrent Client v1.5.1.1 Apk ေလးပါ ဗားရ်င္းအသစ္ေလးထြက္လာလို႔ ဖုန္းနဲ႔ဘဲ ေဒါင္းလုတ္ဆြဲတဲ့ေဘာ္ဒါေတြအတြက္ တင္ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္ ေအာက္မွာေဒါင္းၿပီးသံုးႏိုင္ပါတယ္ (ပုသိမ္နည္းပညာ)
tTorrent Pro – Torrent Client v1.5.1.1 Apk | 4 MB | Resumable Links | Requires Android:1.6 and up |
Download large files directly to your phone or tablet!
tTorrent Pro – Torrent Client
What’s in this version :- The Dark theme is back.
- Adjusted selection on torrent list, additional items can be selected by short taps.
- Updated translations.
App Review:
Features:- – multiple torrent downloading, queuing
- – search for torrents
- – Wifi only mode, Wifi or WiMAX mode
- – able to limit Upload/Download speed
- – web browser integration
- – magnet link support
- – trackerless torrent (DHT) support
- – RSS support(automatically download torrents published in feeds)
- – UPnP and NAT-PMP support
- – IP filtering support
- – proxy support(SOCKS, HTTP)
- – encryption
ေဘးႏွစ္ဖက္ကိုထိလိုက္ရံုနဲ႔ ဖုန္းမွာ Screenshot ရိုက္ေပးႏိုင္တဲ့ Screenshot v:1.1
ေဘးႏွစ္ဖက္ကိုထိလိုက္ရံုနဲ႔ ဖုန္းမွာ Screenshot ရိုက္ေပးႏိုင္တဲ့ Screenshot v:1.1 apk ေလးပါ အသစ္ထြက္လာလို႔ တင္ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္ ေအာက္မွာေဒါင္းၿပီးေတာ့
အသံုးျပဳႏိုင္ပါၿပီအဆင္ေျပပါေစ (ပုသိ္မ္နည္းပညာ)
Welcome to the Screenshot!
. Take screenshots easily just by long pressing on side screen of your device.
. Easily browse the taken screenshots in the inbuilt gallery.
. Share your screenshots through the application only.
. Choose which side to long press easily.
*We kindly request you to avoid writing negative feedback regarding root permissions. Android system does not allow to take a screenshot with out root access.
*You can write a support request on info@icondice.com.
Offered By : Icondice
သီခ်င္းေတြကို ဖုန္းမွာအေကာင္းဆံုးနားဆင္ႏိုင္မယ့္ - Equalizer + Pro (Music Player) v2.1.4 Apk
သီခ်င္းေတြကို ဖုန္းမွာအေကာင္းဆံုးနားဆင္ႏိုင္မယ့္ - Equalizer + Pro (Music Player) v2.1.4 Apk ေလးပါ သီခ်င္းသံစဥ္နဲ႔ တီးလံုးသံစဥ္ေတြကို လိုသလိုခ်ိန္ညိွနားဆင္ႏိုင္တဲ့ ေဆာ့၀ဲေကာင္းေလးပါ
ေအာက္မွာေဒါင္းၿပီးသီခ်င္းေတြကိုသံစဥ္ေကာင္းေကာင္းနားဆင္ႏိုင္ပါၿပီ (ပုသိမ္နည္းပညာ)
Equalizer + Pro (Music Player) v2.1.4 Apk | 13 MB | Resumable Links | Requires Android:2.3.3 and Up |
Discover Equalizer + Pro, the premium version of the new standard music player, Equalizer +!
Equalizer + Pro (Music Player)
What’s in this version :- – New feature: interactive vinyl cover.
- – Rework of the DJ mode and add subbtle animations.
- – Improve visual consistency with new default covers.
- – Improve overall stability.
App Review:
A must have to listen to your music!
The premium version natively includes:
The premium version natively includes:
- BASS BOOST: to boost the volume of your bass like never before!
- SAVE” option to record your customized frequency presets
- Possibility to edit and/or delete your presets
- “FADE”: to ensure a smooth string of music
- “DUALSCREEN” option to display your equalizer on a second screen
- 5 bands equalizer (from low bass to highs)
- Audio player (directly available in the app)
- Unlimited access to your native music library (you can order your songs by album/title/artist or playlist)
- Background play mode (to keep playing your songs while you consult other apps or while your device is in stand-by mode)
- Music search available
- 11 equalizer presets based on different music genres
- Double-clic option to quickly and easily reset the volume of the frequency filters
- Visible music progress bar
- “Repeat” function to keep listening to your songs over and over again (3-status button: repeat one song, repeat a whole playlist, no repetition)
- “Shuffle” function: plays your songs in a random order
- Media Bass volume control
- Vintage and refined design
- Professional sound rendering
- Simple and friendly user interface
- Visualizer window: one audio spectrum animation is provided with the app (like on the former Windows Media Player). You can display the visualizer in full-screen.
Exclusive options to discover:
- VISUALIZER to give birth to your sound: watch the sound move directly from your mobile, the way one used to with Windows Media Player
Rediscover your music thanks to the new equalizer app! Plug in your headphones or turn your speakers on, and listen to your songs as if you were in a studio. Enjoy volume at its best! There’s nothing like a good equalizer to boost your parties or just boost your music listening experience.
The available presets are:
• Acoustic
• Classical
• Dance
• Electro
• Flat
• Folk
• Hip-Hop
• Jazz
• Latin
• Metal
• Pop
• R&B
• Rock
Wallpaper ဒီဇိုင္းအသစ္ေလး - Chromatica Material Wallpaper v1.2 Apk

Wallpaper ဒီဇိုင္းအသစ္ေလး - Chromatica Material Wallpaper v1.2 Apk ေလးပါ ဒီဇိုင္းေလးကလန္းၿပီး လူႀကိုက္မ်ားတဲ့ဒီဇိုင္းေလးမို႔တင္ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္ (ပုသိမ္နည္းပညာ)
Chromatica Material Wallpaper v1.2 Apk | 5 MB | Resumable Links | Requires :Android 2.3 and up |
Material design inspired wallpaper with smooth animations and layout changes.
Chromatica Material Wallpaper
App Review:
Perfect wallpaper for all samsung galaxy s6 and galaxy s6 edge super colour vibrant displays.Swipe your home screen to see smooth layout change animations and amazing colour transitions.
Running on OpenGL this live wallpaper uses very little memory and CPU.
☆ material design inspired layouts
☆ highly customizable, control every aspect
☆ super flat design mode (no shadows)
☆ low memory usage and battery efficient
တင္ထားသမွ် ေခါင္းစဥ္မ်ား
2Step Verification
Adobe CS3 Master Collection
Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 အသံုးျပဳနည္
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Desing Card
Display အလုပ္မလုပ္ေသာ ျပႆနာေျဖရွင္းနညး္မ်ား
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Network Software
New Blogs
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Partition Software
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Photoshop Software
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Pyidaungsu font
Read More
Recent Posts Widget
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Screen Video Recorder
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Security Software
Sidebar Widget
SkyNet လိုင္းအသစ္ထည့္နည္း
Slideshow Movie Maker
Social Widget
Software For Blogs
Software မ်ားအသံုးျပဳနည္း
Softwares ေတြအတြက္ Serial no (or) Key ေတာင္းလၽွင္ ေျဖ႐ွင္းနည္း
Speed Up Internet
TeamViewer version 14.2.2558.0 (Repack & Portable)
TTA Pie Myanmar
Unicode ေြေပာင်းနည်း
Uninstaller Software
USB ျဖင့္၀င္းဒိုးတင္နည္း
USB ႀကိဳးကေန Virus မဝင္ေအာင္ ႀကိဳတင္ ကာကြယ္နည္း
Video Converter
Video Editing
Video Editor
Video Recorder
Virus ဆိုင္ရာ
WannaCry Ransomware ၏ အႏၱရာယ္ အေၾကာင္းႏွင့္ ကာကြယ္နည္း
Web Design ေရးဆြဲနည္း
Webcam Camera Software
Website ေရးနည္း
Wifi ဆိုင္ရာ
Win Update v1.4
Window-10 ဆိုင္ရာ
Window-7 ဆိုင္ရာ
Window-xp ဆုိင္ရာ
Windows 10 Factory Reset ခ်နည္း
Windows 10 Backup & Restore လုုပ္နည္း
Windows 10 ကြန္ပ်ဴတာမွာျမန္မာစာတိက်မွန္စြာထည့္နည္း
Windows Activator
windows loader မ်ား
Windows Manager Software
Windows Themes
Windows တင္နည္းမ်ား
WinRAR 5.70 (Fully)
WinRar Full Version
WinRAR V3.80 Beta Version
WinToBootic ႏွင့္ USB ထဲ Install လုပ္နည္း
WinUtilities Professional Edition Tool
Wordpress Tips
Write-Protected ကို ျဖဳတ္ႏိုင္မယ့္နည္းႏွစ္သြယ္
Zawgyi နဲ႔ Unocode ဘာကြာလဲ
ကြန္ပ်ဴတာ User Account Picture အေၾကာင္းမ်ား
ကြန္ပ်ဴတာရဲ ့Storage က HDD လား? SSD လား? စစ္ေဆးနည္းမ်ား
ကြ်နုပ္ႏွင့္ ပရဟိတအလွဴ
ဗားရွင္းအသစ္ထြက္ရွိလာတဲ႔ Facebook (ႏွင္႔) Messenger
ဘာသာစကား ၉၁ မ်ိုးထိ ပါ၀င္တဲ့ Easy Translator
မိမိဆိုက္ကိုေကာ္ပီကူးမရေအာင္ ပိတ္ထားနည္း
ျပည္ေထာင္စု ေဖာင့္ လက္ကြက္ ႏွင့္ စာ႐ိုက္နည္း
ဝင္းဒုိးကုိ AOMEISoftware ျဖင္႔ Backup & Restore လုပ္နည္း
သင့္ Laptop ကို ျမန္ဆန္ေအာင္လုပ္ေပးမယ့္ အခ်က္ ၇ ခ်က
အေျခခံကြန္ပ်ဴတာ Pdf
ေဆာ့ဝဲ ျပႆနာေျဖ႐ွင္းနည္း